How does it work?
For the initial talk and examination (presentation of the child in our institution), but also for the admission of a therapy stay, we need the current findings and physician letters, as well as the first findings of the diagnosis.
Particularly important for us are
- Newest physician letter of Children’s Hospital
- For surgeries: history logs, if there is a restriction for therapy, we need to know it.
- When taking medication: exact name and dosage
- Therapy reports of other institutions
Most stays at Kids Chance last 14 days.Our concept takes care to the daily rhythm and the ability of the children. This will prodect them from unnecessary stress – and brings best results in therapy.
The check in is usually on Tuesday evening. Wednesday is the first day of therapy. This day is also used for a determination of the current state of development of the child. This is done, because every child has its own developement (since the initial examination or the last stay). The possibilities and goals will be determined together with the parents and the therapy concept for the next two weeks will be fine-tuned. This is done in a meeting of the therapy team with the pediatrician.
The first week of therapy lasts three days, beginning on Wednesday. The children adapt to the institution, experience the therapy road and adapt to the surroundings. Saturday and Sunday should be used for recreation. We are pleased if the family sees these days as a holiday.
In the second week, we work in therapy to reach the individual goals. . The days are similar for the child, whereby they look forward daily to the coming units, which they experience not as therapy and coercion but as a pleasant play. They not only learn to improve their physical abilities, but also to establish contact with other children through perceptual and social components – their social maturity and skills in everyday life are increasing.
In the third week,which lasts until Tuesday noon (2 therapy days), the therapy is completed. Tuesday is also the “coronation” of therapy and is intended to show the children their success of the previous two weeks. They are prepared for everyday life, which starts again on Wednesday. It does not make sense to end the therapy with a break or rest period – it would be difficult to translate what you have learned into everyday life. Just carry on, show and be proud of what you can do, so the children say goodbye to us and look forward to the next day – at home, in kindergarten, at school.
Our work does not end with therapy. We also compile a therapy report/doctor’s letter, which the parents and also the payers receive. If further support therapy units are necessary or recommended, we also announce this in the doctor’s letter.